Saturday, October 15, 2011

they really have no business

          How many times have you been out, and observed people with their children, and thought "those people have no business being parents!" Now as you all know i am the mother of 2 wonderful (when they want to be) children. I would never call myself the perfect parent because as we all know theirs no such thing. I will say this, I have done my best to instill certin values and standerds for my children to live by.
        There is no guide book to being a good parent, and I'll be the first to tell you it's far from easy. Kids are going to do what they want, but it's our job as parents to direct them twords the right choices and behavior.
        Having a child is a responsability that should not be entered into lightly. It is a choice, and should be given proper concideration. Children are a blessing. My life began the day they my Rianna came into it, and Nathanial just sealed the deal, but that's me.  

Word of the day: Decision- the POWER or opportunity of choosing

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Top 5 to keep clean

#1. Bleach: Those who know me, know that I am a freak for bleach. For me bleach = clean, and you can use it on pretty much everything!

#2. Mr. Cleans Magic Eraser: I don't know how they work, I just know they work! They are formulated for the kitchen and bathroom. They are amazing in the bathtub!

#3. Pine Sol: There is no way to describe the smell of pine sol in a hot bucket of water. . . its just plain amazing!

#4. Degreaser: My husband is a do it yourself kinda guy. He's also an electrician. So you can imagine his messes. Not to mention this with the bleach and pins sol are a dream team!

#5. Paper Towels: The paper towel is taken for granted. In my house it's like currency. A regular size pack of napkins will last us a year but we buy paper towels in bulk!

        And there you have it people, my top 5 to keep clean. Give at least 1 thing on this list a try and watch it change your life!

Monday, September 26, 2011

oh no she didnt

        For those of you who don't know my daughter Rianna is in the 1st grade this year. She was super excited all summer although she did have her concerns. The first day of school came and went like a breeze. She had a great day. I got to meet her teacher, a really nice lady who ain't bout the bull shit to be plainly honest.. . . but i digress. I went 2 the school 2 pick her up. I pull up 2 the parent pick up and here she comes with her usual smile teacher in hand. Rianna jumps in the back seat & I get ready to pull off stopping as I notice her teacher is sticking her head in the window. The conversation went like this.
Teacher: Hello Mrs. Brown how are you?
Me: Good & yourself.
Teacher: Good thanks. I just wanted to let you know that today I had to move Rianna's desk for the second time. I did it once last week without contacting you to give her a chance to correct the issue but she continued so I had move her again & let you know.
Me:O.k well what is she doing?
Teacher: She's talking way to much.

Now believe it or not I was totally surprised. This is the kid who was the student of the month 3 times last year, & when she wasn't doing that she was the teachers aid & all the other jobs that requires good class behavior.
My question to all of you is this. What would a proper punishment be for a 6yr old first grader who can't seem 2 keep her mouth closed? I can't wait 2 hear what you think :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

taking the time

        Hello again everyone. I've been going through some thing's these last few weeks that have,against all attempts, kept me from my daily blog. I started this page as a way to express my feeling's. Not about anything particular or even important, just to express. People really underestimate the power of writing. Putting your thoughts on paper is the best way to say all the thing's your mamas up bringing wont let u. You can choose to show your final thoughts or keep them to yourself, but just the knowledge that their no longer being held hostage in your head sometimes is enough.
        At this time I would like to pledge that no matter what is going on in everyone else's life, i will not put myself, my wants, or my needs to the side. I will make my feelings and needs matter.

p.s) we'll see how long this lasts!  lol

Thursday, August 11, 2011

cakes and colors, and fabric oh my!

      Oh how I've missed writting my daily post's. For the last couple of day's I have been helping a friend get started on her wedding plans. Not having had a traditional wedding myself, I didnt have the slightest idea what I was getting myself into.
        The blessed event has been set for sometime in June of next year. I thought that was plenty of time to start planning, but according to the bridal websites we're a few months behind. . . . go figure. On the bright side she's planning a small wedding so we'll make it. There's just so much 2 concider between the colors, location, guest list (thats the big 1).
        I've heard many people say " I'd never spend all that money to have a big wedding. Most of those people end up divorced anyway." What do you guys think. Big wedding or small wedding, or no wedding at all?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hold that thought I'm getting a text

        From the time we wake up to the time we fall asleep, our lives are linked to some kind of moblie device. We're all guilty of it, may it be the cell phone, laptop, IPod, IPad, and all the other I's. There was a time when the only machine we depended on was a car. A time when staying connected meant spending time with someone often. Now and days we text someone to tell them to check their email to tell them we're gonna call. . . . anyone else see a problem with that? 
      We as 21st century people have relinquished control of our personal lives. I challenge you all to put your phones on slient for an evening. Go out to dinner with a friend and don't answer a call. Take your kids to the park & use that time to get to know your kids not to answer emails. it's not easy believe me I know, but it can be done.

word of the day- personal: of relating to or affecting a person

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Be honest

        Today wraps up my first week of blogging. I hope you guy's have enjoyed reading it as much as I've loved writting it. I've got so many topic ideas running through my head I'm still trying to make sence of it all. I didn't have any expectations when I started writting this and to be honest I still don't but I'm lovin it none the less. I look forward to the future of this blog and I hope you do too! Thank's for reading =)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

are we there yet?!

        These day's relaxation can be difficult to acquire. People go to work because they have to not because they want to. We used to be able to say "I'm stressed out! I need a vacation!" It worked to. We would pack up the family and hit the road to the nearest attraction that promises a glimpse into another world of colorful thrilling rides and finger licking food options. Yes that my friends is a vacation. Now instead of jumping in the car, gassing up, and taking off, you have to save up for at least a couple of months just to afford the gas! Then there's the hotel, food, entertainment, and shopping cause yes if I'm going on a vacation ima need my t-shirt and shot glass thank you very much!
        So now you've decided that you're going on vacation, you've been saving for anywhere from a few months to a year, and you're ready to book your trip. Thanks to the world of Internet, smart phones, and apps we have a plethora of sites to aid us in getting the best deal for our money. So after we've searched, compared, bid, and booked, we have our vacation package. Now if you're anything like me you start packing a week before you leave. The day finally comes, you've weighted every bag and measured every bottle, and after passing the never ending security checks (depending on where you're going) you're finally on the plane, tray table up, mobile devices off, seat belt on, ready to go.
        Now I would like to take a moment to ask a few questions. How many of you try to save a portion of your "spending money" for when you get home? How many of you will take a trip with a person you don't like just to get a better deal? How many of you stalk the cleaning carts to sneak extra toiletries (don"t laugh people do it)? How many of you spend your trip thinking about the bills that will be waiting for you when you get back?
        All these thing's are stressful. We work hard, and deserve to actually enjoy our vacation time. You might not have tuns to spend, but that doesn't mean you cant still have a good time.

word of the day- Relax: To seek rest or recreation

Friday, August 5, 2011

take a deep breath

        Yesterday was the first day in weeks that my morning was going right. I was up on time, had my coffee in peace, checked emails. I even got the kids up, ready, and out the door on time. Now anyone with half a brain knows this can't end well . . . well your right. My beautiful daughter Rianna whom I love so much locked the key in the car!
        Sometimes it feels like life is selling tickets for everyone elst to kick your butt. Stress, aggrivation, and problems are a part of life. You can either choose to roll with the punches or curle up into the fetal position and let life kick the snot out of you.

word of the day- Resilience: An ability to recover from or adjust easily to change or misfortune

Thursday, August 4, 2011

are you talkin to me!

        As the mother f a little girl there are many thing's that you have to concern yourself with as far as raising her goes. Everyone had their idea of how what and when you should teach a child. I feel that I owe it to my daughter to make sure she has all the tools to be a productive functioning adult.
        There is no handbook that tell's you word for word whats right and wrong. Right now Rianna is 6 years old. She know's that it is her responsability to keep her room clean, clear her dishes after she eats, and to help with her laundry. I don't feel that I'm asking to much of her, at times I feel like I don't make her do enough, but there are some out there who feel that I put to much responsability on my daughter. As it was said to me "You are putting the responsabilities of a woman on a child." Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't my daughter going to grow up? Do I want my child to be the kind of adult that has to depend on others for her need's or do I want her to grow into a self respecting competint adult. . . . I'm gonna go with the second one!
       What about you guy's? What responsabilities do you place on your children and at what age?

word of the day: Protect: To shield from hard or injury

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The word is excuse me!

    When i was growing up there were two very important thing's we had to understand. We would make our beds every day, and we would be respectful children who spoke when we were spoken to. I don't know about others but when i found out i was pregnant i started to pay more attention to public parent child behavior. This was not an attempt to uncover the secrets of raising the perfect child, there is no perfect child. I did it to observe the parents. How they reacted to all those thing's kid's do or don't do. I would like to share a little of what I learned with all of you.
Things to do:
1. Teach your child how to say excuse me! There is nothing worst then trying to talk to someone while their child is pulling on their leg repeating at what escalated into a high pitched shriek" mommy, mommy, mommy!!!"
2.Take time to REALLY pay attention to your child. I don't mean take them to the playground while you Facebook and Twitter on the bench. I know that life is hard these day's but our children should not have to deal with it. Even if u have to put it in your day planner to get it done. . . do it! They will love you for it now and thank you for it later!
3.Know your child's friends. Even in the sand box kid's can get into trouble. Know who your child is playing with and more important know their parents.  No one is going to care for your child the way that you do.
Things to avoid:
1. Don't let your child walk off in front of or behind you while your in public. There's no worse feeling then to turn around and not see your child. The past has taught us that there are sick people in the world. If we as parents are doing our part to protect our children we're one up on the sicko's.
2. Don't let your child stand up in the booth and bother the table behind you. People go out to eat to relax and take some of the stress out of dinner. Your child"s face popping up from the back of the booth is just gonna piss me off. . . . I'm just sayin if your gonna stress out my dinner that I'm payin for then, with pleasure, I'm gonna have to reciprocate.
3.Babies who eat every hour and are still on the breast do not belong in a movie theater. I know everyone has had that moment. You got your lap staining popcorn (that you didn't even put butter on), your soda (that's gonna hit the bladder half way through the movie), and all the other thing's we need to make the movie experience complete, and in walks a pregnant woman with her four kids ranging from ages 10 to 3 months. They take their seats like good children and you think maybe this wont be SO bad. so you sit back & start to relax. the lights go out and as the opening credits jump to the screen there they go. The baby starts crying & everyone else either wants a different snack or doesn't like their seat or wanted to see the other movie.
        And there you have it. Most of you might think what i've just said is common sence but we've all been there. Strive to be the better parent =)
Word of the day- optimism: A doctrine that this world is the best possible world.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

caught wih the covers off!

          AAAHHH the joy's of being a parent. You get the unconditional love of this little person who looks at you like your the greatest thing since sliced bread. As a mother you carry this being inside of you. You feel it move and grow, and for 9 months you give over your body and ALL of it's functions to this entity that can only live in your imagination until the day they become part of your reality. 
         Now I have to pause here. Neither one of my children were planned. March 2004 Rob & I celebrated our 2nd anniversary, October 2004 at 3:32pm Rianna presented herself. Up to this point it was Rob and I. We functioned on our own time schedule. We woke up when we wanted to, went to sleep when we wanted to and yes even had sex when we wanted. Aaahhh those were the days.
         These day's we are up at 5am and getting in bed, if we're lucky at 11pm with just enough time to work in a quickie before falling asleep to do it all over again. Now mind you this is not an every day thing. Sometimes' the kid's sleep in and the house is quiet and mommy and daddy can actually spend quality time together. Now there's a saying that we've all heard. . . if it seems to good to be true it probably is. Well let me tell ya how true that is. Right in the middle of quality time the door flies opened as the breakfast order is spewing out of one mouth and tortured whines are coming from the other. 
         Have any of you parents ever gotten "caught with the covers off"? Lets talk about it!
Daily word - Enlighten: to give spiritual insight to

Monday, August 1, 2011

how u like me now!

        Hello & welcome! After spending a lot of time thinking about it, I've decided to  jump on the blog wagon! I'm super excited, and don't really have any expectations. I really just need a place to say what i want ;)  
        Right now i would like to introduce the characters in this little experiment. First there's my husband Robert. We have been together for 12 years this October, and married for 9 years. Thing's haven't always been easy.Like every relationship we've had our good times & bad, but at the end of the day we've always got each other.
         Next there is my daughter Rianna. My little princess, what can i say. I love every part of her . . . even those that drive me crazy! She's the kinda kid that will make you work for it no matter what "it" is. She's the best and I'm so blessed to have the chance to know her.
         Then theres my Nathanial . . . . . where do I start. He's a charmer, putting it nicely! He is the cutest thing you'll ever see & people who know him know I'm not just sayin that cause he's my kid . . . he"s really cute! He has a heart of gold & loves his big sister 2 death.
          Finally theres me :) I'm Angelina better known by most as Angel. I love & live for my family. I try to be the best version of me but 1 of the drawbacks of being human is making mistakes. I don't let many people get close. I'm a firm believer in the circle of trust.
          Well that's us. It's so nice to meet you.
           I'd like to close every post with an inspirational word: Motivate: To provide with a motive