Tuesday, August 2, 2011

caught wih the covers off!

          AAAHHH the joy's of being a parent. You get the unconditional love of this little person who looks at you like your the greatest thing since sliced bread. As a mother you carry this being inside of you. You feel it move and grow, and for 9 months you give over your body and ALL of it's functions to this entity that can only live in your imagination until the day they become part of your reality. 
         Now I have to pause here. Neither one of my children were planned. March 2004 Rob & I celebrated our 2nd anniversary, October 2004 at 3:32pm Rianna presented herself. Up to this point it was Rob and I. We functioned on our own time schedule. We woke up when we wanted to, went to sleep when we wanted to and yes even had sex when we wanted. Aaahhh those were the days.
         These day's we are up at 5am and getting in bed, if we're lucky at 11pm with just enough time to work in a quickie before falling asleep to do it all over again. Now mind you this is not an every day thing. Sometimes' the kid's sleep in and the house is quiet and mommy and daddy can actually spend quality time together. Now there's a saying that we've all heard. . . if it seems to good to be true it probably is. Well let me tell ya how true that is. Right in the middle of quality time the door flies opened as the breakfast order is spewing out of one mouth and tortured whines are coming from the other. 
         Have any of you parents ever gotten "caught with the covers off"? Lets talk about it!
Daily word - Enlighten: to give spiritual insight to


  1. LMAO!!! it hasn't happen to us .. yet but I know its just a matter of time!!!

  2. Lol, always keep the door locked and just pretend we're changing!

  3. hahahahahahahaAHahaahhahaha.

    and yes.

    lol Love the posts so far! Alex sent me. Keep it up!!!

