Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The word is excuse me!

    When i was growing up there were two very important thing's we had to understand. We would make our beds every day, and we would be respectful children who spoke when we were spoken to. I don't know about others but when i found out i was pregnant i started to pay more attention to public parent child behavior. This was not an attempt to uncover the secrets of raising the perfect child, there is no perfect child. I did it to observe the parents. How they reacted to all those thing's kid's do or don't do. I would like to share a little of what I learned with all of you.
Things to do:
1. Teach your child how to say excuse me! There is nothing worst then trying to talk to someone while their child is pulling on their leg repeating at what escalated into a high pitched shriek" mommy, mommy, mommy!!!"
2.Take time to REALLY pay attention to your child. I don't mean take them to the playground while you Facebook and Twitter on the bench. I know that life is hard these day's but our children should not have to deal with it. Even if u have to put it in your day planner to get it done. . . do it! They will love you for it now and thank you for it later!
3.Know your child's friends. Even in the sand box kid's can get into trouble. Know who your child is playing with and more important know their parents.  No one is going to care for your child the way that you do.
Things to avoid:
1. Don't let your child walk off in front of or behind you while your in public. There's no worse feeling then to turn around and not see your child. The past has taught us that there are sick people in the world. If we as parents are doing our part to protect our children we're one up on the sicko's.
2. Don't let your child stand up in the booth and bother the table behind you. People go out to eat to relax and take some of the stress out of dinner. Your child"s face popping up from the back of the booth is just gonna piss me off. . . . I'm just sayin if your gonna stress out my dinner that I'm payin for then, with pleasure, I'm gonna have to reciprocate.
3.Babies who eat every hour and are still on the breast do not belong in a movie theater. I know everyone has had that moment. You got your lap staining popcorn (that you didn't even put butter on), your soda (that's gonna hit the bladder half way through the movie), and all the other thing's we need to make the movie experience complete, and in walks a pregnant woman with her four kids ranging from ages 10 to 3 months. They take their seats like good children and you think maybe this wont be SO bad. so you sit back & start to relax. the lights go out and as the opening credits jump to the screen there they go. The baby starts crying & everyone else either wants a different snack or doesn't like their seat or wanted to see the other movie.
        And there you have it. Most of you might think what i've just said is common sence but we've all been there. Strive to be the better parent =)
Word of the day- optimism: A doctrine that this world is the best possible world.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to all of that! The world would be a much better place if we all did our part.
