Oh how I've missed writting my daily post's. For the last couple of day's I have been helping a friend get started on her wedding plans. Not having had a traditional wedding myself, I didnt have the slightest idea what I was getting myself into.
The blessed event has been set for sometime in June of next year. I thought that was plenty of time to start planning, but according to the bridal websites we're a few months behind. . . . go figure. On the bright side she's planning a small wedding so we'll make it. There's just so much 2 concider between the colors, location, guest list (thats the big 1).
I've heard many people say " I'd never spend all that money to have a big wedding. Most of those people end up divorced anyway." What do you guys think. Big wedding or small wedding, or no wedding at all?
Do what you can afford.. I've done both hehehe